Tuning Cost From Tyner's Pianos

Call 704-467-1086 or you can also text this number to schedule

Tyner's Pianos

Call or Text 704-467-1086 to Schedule

Standard A-440 Fine Tune  $145

Most piano players prefer to have their piano tuned every 6 months and this is the recommended interval for most home use pianos.  Others choose to have their piano tuned once each year.  This is acceptable for a low use instrument or for young beginners.

Initial Tuning/New Customer  $195

At your first tuning, I will spend extra time  to stabilize the pitch.  After this first tuning, I will maintain your piano every 6 months or once per year for $120.

NOTE:  If you have had a regular technician and and have had your piano tuned within the last 6 months, I will waive the initial fee.